
Our Church

Our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ; living in faith, hope and love.

We have had an established web presence since 1999; our web site features a growing collection of Bible studies for personal or group study, and more recently has had links added to our sermon blog. We have a strong sense of community with people who have made contact via the website. We welcome feedback, and we have even been known to write a Bible study in response to requests from our community. Our heart's desire is to encourage people to grow as disciples of Christ, with a passion for Scripture and prayer.

Daily Prayers

Сontinuous Teaching

Community Helpers

Set of Sermons


What They Say

Do You Want To Be New Member?

We have a strong sense of community with parishioners.

We invite anyone and everyone to attend our Sunday gatherings to celebrate God in song, scripture and prayer.

Contact Us

56B, Street Jein Martin, Rome

0 (800) 236 47569

Sun - Sat 07:00 - 21:00

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