The primary focus of Genesis is the early development of God’s relationship with humanity and his selection of righteous individuals through whom he sets a plan in motion for the redemption of the world. In Genesis 12, God chooses one man, Abraham, and his descendants to bring about this plan - it is Abraham’s family that will then be the focus of the majority of Genesis, and the rest of the Old Testament.
But our focus in this series will be on the time before God had any particular “chosen people”. What can we learn from Genesis 1-11 about God’s intentions for the whole of humanity? What can these “universal” chapters tell us about all human beings? Who is God – what is he like? Who are we? Where do we come from? What is our relationship with the world supposed to be like? What has gone wrong, and how did the world get to be this way? And how does God set about dealing with a world-gone-wrong? Imagine God’s people hearing this account as they were sat together in exile in Babylon. These kinds of questions will have been all the more poignant. The series finishes with the call of Abraham and his family (the “chosen people”, the nation of Israel, the Jews). How could this be God’s solution to the problems so painfully set out in Gen 1-11? How could one small family be the Lord’s way of mending things for all the people he made and loves?
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